Kasem's Computer Benchmark

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Biostar GAMING Z170T

Performance Results



Gaming 75%




Desktop 94%

Nuclear submarine



Workstation 50%


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PC StatusOverall this PC is performing above expectations (61st percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 39 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components.
ProcessorWith a good single core score, this CPU can easily handle the majority of general computing tasks. Despite its good single core score this processor isn't appropriate for workstation use due to its relatively weak multi-core performance. Finally, with a gaming score of 76.4%, this CPU's suitability for 3D gaming is very good.
Graphics75.8% is a very good 3D score, it's the business. This GPU can handle recent 3D games at high resolutions and ultra detail levels.
Boot Drive186% is an exceptional SSD score. This drive is suitable for heavy workstation use, it will facilitate fast boots, responsive applications and allow for fast transfers of multi-gigabyte files.
Memory16GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows and it's more than sufficient for nearly all games. 16GB also allows for very large file and system caches, software development and batch photo editing/processing.
OS VersionWindows 10 is the most recent version of Windows, and the best to date in our opinion.
Run History

1 day ago, 1 sec ago.

 PC Performing above expectations (61st percentile)

Actual performance vs. expectations. The graphs show user score (x) vs user score frequency (y).


Intel Core i5-7500-$200

69,650 User benchmarks, average bench 70%

U3E1, 1 CPU, 4 cores, 4 threads

Base clock 3.4 GHz, turbo 3.6 GHz (avg)

 Performing way above expectations (90th percentile)

76.4%Very good

1-Core 116

2-Core 226

81% 171 Pts

4-Core 430

8-Core 422

58% 426 Pts

64-Core 428

29% 428 Pts

Poor: 55%

This bench: 76.4%

Great: 77%

Graphics CardBench3D DX93D DX103D DX11

Nvidia GTX 1070-$415

658,388 User benchmarks, average bench 79%

Asus(1043 859F) ≥ 4GB

CLim: 1911 MHz, MLim: 2002 MHz, Ram: 8GB, Driver: 441.8

 Performing below expectations (33rd percentile)

75.8%Very good

Lighting 298

Reflection 281

Parallax 294

77% 291 fps

MRender 198

Gravity 279

Splatting 221

74% 233 fps

Poor: 70%

This bench: 75.8%

Great: 86%

DrivesBenchSequentialRandom 4kDeep queue 4k

Samsung 960 Evo NVMe PCIe M.2 250GB-$100

153,268 User benchmarks, average bench 200%

124GB free (System drive)

Firmware: 3B7QCXE7 Max speed: PCIe 5,000 MB/s

SusWrite @10s intervals: 548 325 323 326 323 322 MB/s

 Performing below expectations (25th percentile)


Read 1,196

Write 1,225

Mixed 453

SusWrite 361

180% 809 MB/s

4K Read 45.2

4K Write 156

4K Mixed 52.2

218% 84.6 MB/s

DQ Read 1,057

DQ Write 1,220

DQ Mixed 929

758% 1,069 MB/s

Poor: 143%

This bench: 186%

Great: 236%

WD Blue 3TB (2015)-$74

29,309 User benchmarks, average bench 74%

452GB free

Firmware: 80.00A80

SusWrite @10s intervals: 115 118 120 119 119 119 MB/s

 Performing below expectations (38th percentile)


Read 118

Write 116

Mixed 76.3

SusWrite 118

79% 107 MB/s

4K Read 0.7

4K Write 2.4

4K Mixed 1

185% 1.37 MB/s

Poor: 47%

This bench: 68%

Great: 96%

WD Green 1.5TB (2010)-$66

20,064 User benchmarks, average bench 44%

350GB free

Firmware: 51.0AB51

SusWrite @10s intervals: 82 92 92 92 92 92 MB/s

 Performing way above expectations (88th percentile)

54.9%Above average

Read 101

Write 92

Mixed 24.8

SusWrite 90.4

56% 77.1 MB/s

4K Read 0.9

4K Write 0.4

4K Mixed 0.5

100% 0.6 MB/s

Poor: 26%

This bench: 54.9%

Great: 60%

WD My Passport 25E1 2TB

5,622 User benchmarks, average bench 41%

187GB free, PID 25e1

Operating at USB 3.1 Speed

SusWrite @10s intervals: 111 109 109 109 109 109 MB/s

 Performing above expectations (71st percentile)

50.1%Above average

Read 96.7

Write 80.5

Mixed 60.5

SusWrite 109

117% 86.8 MB/s

4K Read 1.1

4K Write 3.9

4K Mixed 0.7

160% 1.9 MB/s

Poor: 16%

This bench: 50.1%

Great: 67%

Memory KitBenchMulti coreSingle coreLatency

HyperX Fury DDR3 1600 C10 2x8GB

42,243 User benchmarks, average bench 56%

2 of 4 slots used

16GB DIMM DDR3 clocked @ 1600 MHz

 Performing above expectations (81st percentile)


MC Read 22.1

MC Write 22.3

MC Mixed 19.9

61% 21.4 GB/s

SC Read 15

SC Write 22.2

SC Mixed 19.4

54% 18.9 GB/s

Latency 76.5

52% 76.5 ns

Poor: 34%

This bench: 61.2%

Great: 63%

 Take a copy of your results  

 System Memory Latency Ladder 

L1/L2/L3 CPU cache and main memory (DIMM) access latencies in nano seconds.

 PC Games

Compare your in-game performance to other users with your hardware: GTX 1070, Display(2781), 1920 x 1080, 60 Hz.

1. Pick a game that you play on this PC.

FortniteCounter-Strike: Global OffensiveGrand Theft Auto VLeague of LegendsPlayerUnknown's BattlegroundsMinecraftApex LegendsThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntOverwatchTom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeBattlefield 5 RustWorld of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft: Battle for AzerothCall of Duty modern warfare 2Escape from TarkovRocket LeagueFar Cry 5


2. What settings do you play on?



3. How many (uncapped) fps do you get?

Avg. fps


Custom PC Builder (Explore upgrades for this PC)Build your perfect PC: compare component prices, popularity, speed and value for money.



Typical GAMING Z170T Builds (Compare 40 builds)See popular component choices, score breakdowns and rankings.



Gaming 82%

Aircraft carrier



Desktop 59%




Workstation 33%

Sail boat

Motherboard: Biostar GAMING Z170T

Core i3-6100Intel  $102Bench 57%, 60,321 samples7x
Core i7-6700Intel  $313Bench 68%, 116,393 samples6x
Core i5-6500Intel  $185Bench 64%, 120,237 samples5x
GTX 1080Nvidia  $528Bench 100%, 485,731 samples7x
GTX 1050-TiNvidia  $155Bench 31%, 375,764 samples5x
GTX 1070Nvidia  $415Bench 79%, 658,388 samples4x
Radeon R3 120GBAMDBench 73%, 1,947 samples3x
PLUS 480GBSSDBench 86%, 1,949 samples3x
SSDNow V300 120GBKingston  $70Bench 54%, 208,169 samples2x
Vengeance Pro DDR3 2400 C11 2x8GBCorsairBench 61%, 23,303 samples4x
Fury DDR3 1866 C10 2x8GBHyperXBench 59%, 53,648 samples4x
RipjawsX DDR3 1866 C10 2x8GBG.SKILLBench 52%, 5,376 samples3x
 EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDERValue: 50% - AverageTotal price: $630

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