how to enable policyd

By admin at 2020-01-04 • 0 collector • 1704 pageviews

Official Zimbra documentation just tell you how to enable policyd, but where is webgui to control/add quota limits?

zmprov ms <mta server> +zimbraServiceEnabled cbpolicyd

wget -c

tar -zxvf cluebringer-v2.1.x-201211111115.tar.gz

cd cluebringer-v2.1.x-201211111115/webui/

cp *.php *.css /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/

cd /opt/zimbra/httpd/htdocs/ && ln -s /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/

nano /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd-2.1.0-beta/share/webui/includes/config.php

change: $DB_DSN="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cluebringer";

to: $DB_DSN="sqlite:/opt/zimbra/data/cbpolicyd/db/cbpolicyd.sqlitedb";

su – zimbra -c “zmapachectl restart”


is this ok?!

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